Hekatron Manufacturing is a social, family-oriented company. What could be more appropriate than lending our support to appropriate organisations in our region.
We are an active member of the following cooperations:
The Bündnis zur Vereinigung von Beruf und Familie in the German district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald has tasked itself with making a positive impact on the living conditions of children, young people, families and older people and with improving the way generations coexist. Hekatron Manufacturing is part of the Familienfreundlich employer cooperation together with communities and cities in the administrative district, businesses, charities and many social groups and voluntary services. The partners in the employer cooperation have joined forces to develop concepts and projects in a wide range of areas, for instance to promote the attractiveness and competitive edge of companies and communities for workforces and apprentices, particularly in light of demographic change and the changes in the labour market.
The initiative by the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald empowers and supports parents in caring for and raising their children. Hekatron has donated 1,000 smoke detectors to the KiWi welcome gift box to make children’s bedrooms in the region a little bit safer.
The cooperation with the Sparkasse Markgräflerland bank and Gesundheitsresort Freiburg (Health Resort Freiburg) focused on topics such as “How do I successfully balance work and family life”. Hekatron is constantly optimising its work environment with cooperations like this one. Possible solutions are offered for topics that staff find irksome for example via information events and other platforms.